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一、 Website origin:

When Luke was still a student 10 years ago.

Just like the cute ones in front of you, I love tarot cards and fortune telling things.

However, due to the disorderly and even erroneous information available online, Luke’s journey of exploration has become even more difficult. Therefore, I am well aware that the path of learning online as an individual is very tortuous, and even extremely unfriendly to beginners.

So establishing this website is also for the purpose of being public and sharing more knowledge about tarot cards for free, helping more people to have a more systematic understanding of tarot card culture, so that you can encounter fewer pitfalls and know more.

I have 4 years of experience in tarot divination, and I recall Luke’s career in tarot divination. Luke helped depressed boys, helped suicidal girls out of their predicament, and also helped couples in a cold war to sort out their relationships and help them overcome another kind of harm caused by emotions. Whenever the diviner expresses gratitude to me and gives me some good feedback, I can always feel the joy and inexplicable emotion that this job brings to my heart. At the other end of the Internet, Luke is looking forward to meeting you here.

二、 Regarding copyright and disclaimer:

This website (www.23luke. com) is referred to as this website or has always attached great importance to the protection of network copyright, other intellectual property rights, and user rights. As a network service provider, although we have carefully reviewed, we do not have sufficient monitoring capabilities for the occurrence of content infringement, image infringement, and other behaviors. If you believe that the content uploaded and disseminated by our users through the information storage space we provide infringes on your relevant rights, please send us a notice of rights, and we will review and take measures to delete the relevant content in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

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1. This site provides information storage space services. In addition to original articles, some article information, displayed images and materials will be uploaded by registered users (some newspaper/regular media content will be reprinted from online cooperative media), for learning and reference only. The intellectual property rights of any content uploaded or published by users through this website belong to the user or the original copyright owner. If there is any infringement of your copyright, please provide relevant legal and compliant proof materials to contact us. After reviewing, our website will make corrections within three working days.

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4. Without the permission of this website, it is not allowed to steal links or use resources of this website; This website shall not be copied or imitated, and images shall not be created on servers not belonging to this website. This website owns all intellectual property rights to all content, technical means, and services developed by itself or jointly with others. No one shall infringe or damage them, nor shall they use them without authorization.

2、 Disclaimer

1. This website does not declare or guarantee the accuracy, authenticity, or reliability of any information, content, or advertisements related to the services provided on this website, except for the services and products operated by Luke himself; Moreover, this website does not assume any responsibility for quality assurance regarding any products, information, or materials displayed, purchased, or obtained through advertising, information, or offers on this website.

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If you have any other suggestions or opinions on this website, please feel free to share them with us. We will discuss and adopt them.

For inquiries/business/suggestions, please contact WeChat at www23luke (with relevant notes, otherwise it will not be approved)

三、 Official explanation:

The divination test content on this website (www.23luke. com) is for entertainment only! Due to inaccuracies in public divination, the content is all entertainment oriented. Please be cautious not to make any decisions based on the content of this website, as the risk will be borne by yourself. This website firmly opposes and eliminates all feudal superstitious behaviors and activities, and will not participate in any use of supernatural powers such as ghosts, immortals, foxes, and demons. It also does not participate in any religious topic activities, and strictly complies with national laws and regulations. It supports science, believes in science, and respects various religious beliefs and cultural connotations of the East and the West.

Finally, a warm reminder: divination is not destiny, and tarot cards are just a tool. There is no such thing as ghosts or monsters. We can only use this tool to help you clarify your thoughts and provide you with objective advice and guidance to help you understand the current problem well, and change it through self action. There is no need to use some miscellaneous items to help you transport, or even change your destiny against the heavens. We suggest that you do not believe these things.

Fate is always in one’s own hands. Please treat it objectively and rationally, and do not overly rely or even become superstitious.

Thank you all for your support! Respected Luke!

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When using the services on this website, you must comply with laws and regulations and are not allowed to engage in illegal or irregular activities using the services on the www.23luke.com website, including but not limited to the following behaviors:

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